Is Delta-9 Legal in Сolorado?


What Is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is one of the cannabinoid molecules found in hemp and marijuana plants. It is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, known for its intoxicating effect. THC binds with the cannabinoid receptors of the brain and nervous system, producing effects such as relaxation, sleepiness, and euphoria. Delta-9 THC is commonly used to help alleviate or treat symptoms related to severe pain, nausea, inflammation, cancer, glaucoma, and seizures. However, when taken high dosage, Delta-9 THC may produce some side effects, including anxiety, paranoia, dry mouth, memory loss, and increased heart rate.

The isomer of THC that marijuana plants produce naturally in large quantities is Delta-9 THC, which is considered a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States, making it federally illegal. However, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC is legal in most states in the U.S., provided it contains no more than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis. Delta-9 THC is readily available in forms such as gummies, oils, tinctures, vapes, and concentrates.

Is Delta-9 Legal in Colorado?

Yes, Delta-9 THC derived naturally from hemp is legal in Colorado. In 2019, Colorado revised its Industrial Hemp Act through SB19-220 to align with the Farm Bill of 2018. The Bill removed hemp from the Schedule I controlled substance and legalized all hemp derivatives, isomers, and salts of Delta-9 THC, provided they contain 0.3% THC concentration or less. However, in 2021, Senate Bill 22-205 prohibits the conversion, chemical modification, or synthetic derivative of THC isomers originating from an industrial hemp product. Consequently, industrial hemp products cannot be further processed or extracted into Delta-9 THC or other THC isomers.

Recreational and medical marijuana is legal in Colorado, and residents can purchase Delta-9 THC online or from brick-and-mortar stores. It is legal for residents to ship hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products purchased online into the state. The state does not restrict the amount of Delta-9 THC products residents can buy.

What is the Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC?

Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC are both cannabinoids found in hemp and marijuana plants. The chemical structure of Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC are similar. However, Delta-8 THC has its double bonds on the 8th carbon chain, while Delta-9 THC’s double bonds are positioned on the ninth carbon chain. This positioning affects how a consumer's endocannabinoid receptor (ECS) binds to the molecules and the euphoric effect it produces.

Delta-8 THC is found in trace amounts in the cannabis plant. Consequently, it is synthesized from CBD or Delta-9 THC. Delta-8 THC is less psychoactive than Delta-9 THC, producing a less intoxicating feeling. Most consumers prefer Delta-8 THC to Delta-9 due to its therapeutic effect and fewer cognitive distortions.

Delta-9 THC is found in large quantities in the cannabis plant. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and binds with the CB-1 receptor in the nervous system, producing an almost instant euphoric feeling resulting in impairment. Its psychoactive effect is more potent than Delta-8 THC and at high doses, can cause anxiety, paranoia, headaches, poor motor coordination, and slurred speech.

Delta-9 vs Delta-10

Delta-10 THC is a minor cannabinoid found in minute quantities in cannabis plants. It is an isomer of the Delta-9 THC, having a similar structure with a slightly different atom arrangement but a weaker psychoactive effect. Although considered milder than Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC, it still gives its user a euphoric feeling but with a more energetic and lucid mental experience. Delta-10 THC interacts with the body’s ECS and binds with the CB-1 and CB-2 receptors of the brain and nervous system.

Since Delta-10 THC does not naturally occur in cannabis plants in large amounts, it is difficult to extract, requiring time and effort to derive the compound. Typically, they are synthetically manufactured, requiring extensive refining. Consequently, Delta-10 THC is more expensive, with most products containing no more than 50% Delta-10. Most cannabis consumers prefer Delta-10 THC to Delta-9 THC due to its calming effect with no complexity after use.

Delta-9 THC is a cannabinoid found in abundance in cannabis plants. Due to the large quantities, it is easy to extract and cheap to manufacture. Delta-9 is the most potent and psychoactive compound found in marijuana plants. It is more intoxicating than Delta-10, leaving its user disconnected from reality. Higher doses may cause hallucinations and delusions. Like other cannabinoids, Delta-9 forms strong bonds with the CB-1 receptor. When consumed, its intoxicating effect is rapid, giving users a euphoric effect that may last up to 4 hours.

How Long Does Delta-9 Stay in Your System?

Delta-9 THC can remain detectable in the body for up to 90 days after ingestion, depending on several factors. Delta-9 THC remains in the user's system long after the euphoric effect is over. It is broken down in the liver by Cytochrome P450 (CYP3A4) enzymes. This enzyme interacts with Delta-9 THC and forms THC metabolites, which can be detected by a drug test. However, some factors influence how long Delta-9 THC is detectable in a consumer’s system. They include:

  • Frequency of Use: The frequency of Delta-9 THC use impacts the length of time THC metabolites are traceable in the body. THC remains in the system of chronic users for extended periods than occasional users
  • Age: Age influences how fast the body metabolizes Delta-9 THC. The body’s metabolic rate slows with age, taking longer to break down everything consumed, including Delta-9 THC. Consequently, Delta-9 THC metabolites tend to stay longer in an older person's system than in a younger individual
  • Body Fat: An individual's weight affects the body’s ease of processing and eliminating metabolites. Delta-9 THC metabolites are fat-soluble and are stored in the fat cells of a user for lengthy periods. Consequently, the body rids itself of THC metabolites faster for slimmer persons than users with high body fat
  • Metabolism: The rate at which the body breaks down anything ingested influences how long traces of the substance can be found in the system. By implication, a person with a high metabolic rate will break down Delta-9 THC faster, reducing the time THC metabolites are detectable in the body

Although Delta-8 and Delta-10 are isomers of Delta-9 THC with the same formula, a drug test would not differentiate them. Drug test screens for the presence of THC metabolites in the body and would return positive results for any THC isomer detected. A drug test can detect THC in blood, urine, saliva, and hair many days or weeks after the last use. The length of time a drug test result would detect THC in the body depends on the sample collected, as listed below:

  • Blood Test: A blood test will detect Delta-9 THC within 7 days for occasional users and up to 25 days for frequent users
  • Urine Test: A urine test can return a positive result for Delta-9 THC within 3 days for occasional users and up to 30 days for chronic users
  • Saliva Test: The detection window for a urine sample for Delta-9 THC is 3 days for occasional consumers and up to 30 days for habitual users
  • Hair Follicle Test: Testing the hair follicle can detect THC for up to 90 days after the last use

Where Can I Find Delta-9 Gummies in Colorado?

Delta-9 gummies are safe for consumption. However, consuming large amounts of gummies will intoxicate its user. Colorado residents may purchase Delta-9 THC gummies and other Delta-9 THC products in CBD dispensaries, convenience stores, and vape shops. They may also order gummies online and have the same delivered to their local addresses in Colorado.

While gummies are legal in Colorado, the state restricts the number of gummies a person can purchase per time to 10 mg of THC or less. Also, Colorado bans Delta-9 THC gummy products shaped like people, fruits, and animals because they often appear appealing to minors.


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