Marijuana Dispensaries in Westminster

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Westminster?

No, there are no medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Westminster. Although marijuana is legal in Colorado, Section 5-10-3 of Chapter 10 of the Westminster Code of Ordinances makes it unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of a marijuana dispensary within the borders of the city.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Westminster?

No. Chapter 10 of the Westminster Code of Ordinances does not permit entities or individuals to operate medical marijuana dispensaries or medical marijuana centers in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Westminster?

No. Cannabis purchase is illegal from online weed dispensaries in Westminster as no cannabis establishment is permitted to operate in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Westminster

There are no dispensaries approved to operate in Westminster.

Westminster Dispensary Laws

There are no regulations per the operations of weed dispensaries in the City of Westminster, as establishing cannabis dispensaries is illegal in the city.

Recreational Laws in Westminster

Although cannabis establishments are prohibited in the city, cannabis use and possession by persons of legal age are permitted in Westminster. Per Section 5-10-6 of Chapter 10 of the Westminster Code of Ordinances, nothing in the cannabis laws of the city may be construed to prohibit, regulate, or impair the personal recreational use of cannabis by persons aged 21 or older as stipulated under Article XVII, Section 6, of the Colorado Constitution.

Per Colorado cannabis laws, Westminster adults aged 21 or older can possess up to 28.3 grams of flower and 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. They may also give away up to one ounce of usable cannabis to other adults aged 21 or older. Persons of legal age in Westminster are allowed to purchase recreational cannabis from other Colorado jurisdictions as long as they have government-issued photo IDs proving they are 21 or older. Westminster adults can also cultivate six cannabis plants, with no more than three plants in the mature stage. However, if two or more Westminster adults live in a home, they can cultivate up to 12 adults. Westminster adults aged 21 or older are permitted to use cannabis in smokable form. However, cannabis smoking may not be done in public locations. While cannabis use and possession within the stipulated limits are legal, driving under the influence of cannabis remains illegal.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Westminster

Under Initiative 20, it is legal to use medical cannabis in Westminster under certain conditions. These conditions include:

  • You must be a Westminster resident or a Colorado resident

  • You must have one of the approved medical conditions

  • You must be enrolled in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry

  • Get a medical marijuana card

Westminster residents who fulfill these conditions can possess up to 2 ounces of usable cannabis and grow up to six cannabis plants with no more than three plants in the flowering stage. Note that persons under the age of 18 may access medical cannabis through adult caregivers approved under the Colorado medical marijuana program. Colorado law does not permit Westminster residents under the age of 18 registered in the medical marijuana registry to smoke cannabis.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Westminster

Westminster residents in need of medical marijuana cards must apply for inclusion in the Colorado medical marijuana registry. Only persons included in the registry may be issued medical marijuana cards. To be included in the registry, you must obtain a certification from a licensed Colorado healthcare practitioner stating that you have one or more of the following medical conditions:

  • Severe nausea

  • Severe pain

  • Glaucoma

  • Cancer

  • HIV

  • AIDS

  • Cachexia

  • Persistent muscle spasms

  • Seizures

  • An autism spectrum disorder

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • A condition for which a physician can prescribe an opioid

If you are applying as a minor, you must provide two healthcare provider certifications for your condition. Your primary parent must also be a Colorado resident.

After getting a medical cannabis certification, you may visit the medical marijuana registry to commence your application. You can complete the application online or by mail. If you are completing your application by mail, you will be required to submit a completed application form, proof of residency waiver, and a $29.50 check or money order. The check or money order must be made out to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Alternatively, if you qualify for a waiver, you may submit a certified copy of the current Colorado Tax Return for the current year. Persons with income levels below or equal to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level may qualify for a waiver.

After completing your application, mail the submission envelope to:

Application Processing


4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S.

Westminster, CO 80246-1530

It may take up to three weeks for your application to be approved by the CDPHE. For additional information on obtaining a medical marijuana card in Westminster, contact the CDPHE at

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Westminster?

You can consume cannabis at home if you own the apartment where you reside. If you do not own your apartment, it is best to speak with the property owner or manager to ensure there are no restrictions on cannabis use on the property. It is prohibited to use cannabis in public places or multi-unit apartments.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Westminster Dispensary

There are no dispensaries located in Westminster selling cannabis.

The Average Price in Westminster

Cannabis is not sold legally within the city limits of Westminster

Most Popular Strains in Westminster

Since cannabis is not sold legally in the city, there are no popular strains in the city.

Can You Smoke in Public in Westminster?

No. Smoking cannabis is illegal in Public. Persons caught smoking in public places in Westminster face harsh penalties.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Westminster?

Westminster adults aged 21 or older may possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, 8 grams of concentrated forms of cannabis, such as resin, wax, oil, and shatter, or cannabis products containing up to 800 milligrams of edibles. Registered patients in the city are allowed to possess up to 57 grams of usable cannabis.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Westminster?

Shipping cannabis is illegal in Westminster if you are transporting it across state lines into Westminster or out of the city. However, you can transport cannabis within the stipulated possession limits in Colorado in between Colorado jurisdiction, provided the shipment is kept in the trunk of the car and is inaccessible to the driver and passengers.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Westminster?

No. You cannot order cannabis online from weed dispensaries in Westminster.

Are there 24-Hour Dispensaries in Westminster?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries in the City of Westminster.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Westminster?

No. There are no dispensaries operating within the City of Westminster that tourists may use. The city prohibits all forms of cannabis sales, even to persons authorized to possess marijuana.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Westminster?

Although an ID is required to purchase cannabis in the State of Colorado, Westminster has no dispensaries.

Best Dispensaries in Westminster

There are no approved marijuana dispensaries in the City of Westminster.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Westminster?

There are no marijuana dispensaries selling cannabis in the city.

How Many Dispensaries are in Westminster?

No weed dispensaries may be established in the city pursuant to the Westminster Code of Ordinances.

Can Dispensaries in Westminster Take Credit Cards?

There are no authorized cannabis businesses selling weed in the City of Westminster.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

Although you may visit multiple dispensaries in one day in Colorado, there are no dispensaries in the City of Westminster.

Do Dispensaries in Westminster Take Health Insurance?

No. While dispensaries do not generally accept health insurance, no cannabis retail stores are approved to operate in Westminster.

Do Dispensaries in Westminster Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Colorado cannabis regulations stipulate that dispensaries across the state must track weed sales. However, there are presently no weed dispensaries in the City of Westminster.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Westminster at Age 18?

There are marijuana dispensaries in Westminster. However, Colorado law requires visitors to recreational dispensaries to be aged 21 and older, while medical marijuana dispensary visitors must be at least 18 and have valid medical marijuana cards.

Where Can I Find Westminster Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Marijuana Enforcement Division of the CDOR (Colorado Department of Revenue) regulates cannabis operations in the City of Westminster. You can find information on the Marijuana Enforcement Division on the MED page of the CDOR website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Westminster?

To report illegal marijuana operations in the City of Westminster, you may file a report to the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division or contact the Westminster police department. You may contact the Westminster Police Department by filing a report online or calling the PD at (303) 658-4360.